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Snow Tha Product has proved her doubters wrong

Snow Tha Product is the socially-conscious raptress the world needs right now.

Kid Cudi writes tribute to Lil Nas X, while criticizing...

Lil Nas X and his sexuality have somehow become a hot topic of discussion among rappers and hip-hop fans alike. And now, rapper Ki...

Mushballs inside Uranus and Neptune may solve an atmosp...

Uranus and Neptune appear to have less ammonia than expected, but it might have been hidden by slushy balls of ammonia and water t...

UN says global carbon emissions set to rise 16 per cent...

A UN analysis of countries' latest plans to cut carbon emissions shows they will actually rise 16 per cent on 2010 levels by 2030,...

Watch cuttlefish migrate together in a defensive line w...

Cuttlefish are usually solitary creatures, but videos show them forming defensive groups to migrate together, suggesting they are ...

Latest Breast Cancer Clinical Trials: Who They’re For

Is a clinical trial for you? Learn more about ongoing breast cancer clinical trials.

Ways to Handle Breast Cancer’s Out-of-Pocket Costs

Get tips to manage the out-of-pocket costs you may have during breast cancer treatment.

Dealing With Breast Cancer While Raising Children: 5 Id...

Get ideas for family-friendly activities when someone in your family has breast cancer.

Best smartwatch deals for Black Friday 2021: What disco...

The Black Friday sales are approaching and although we're still some way off, there's plenty of anticipation - especially in the b...

WHO asks for commitments on maternal and newborn health...

Every day, approximately 800 women and 6,700 babies lose their lives around the time of childbirth. In addition, nearly 5,400 babi...

Have you tried to guess your boss's password? Lots of w...

An August Beyond Identity report takes a look at people's password protection habits as well as their tendencies to guess other fo...

Woman who first gained sense of smell at age 24 finds i...

A woman born without the brain regions needed to smell has puzzled doctors by gaining the ability to detect some smells in her twe...

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